Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Nervous Breakdown: A Myth?

Nervous breakdown. We all know what it means, in a vague sort of way: one day you're more or less fine, then the pressure gets too much, and then, boom, off the rails. We all know someone who's had one, or had one ourselves. But what does the phenomenon correlate to in modern psychological terminology? more

Friday, October 15, 2010

VIDEO - Should You Confess Your Affair? --Dr Sheri Meyers

The only way to have a true blessed marriage is for one - not to have an affair, but if you have, then it's time to refuse the devil's ways and let God redeem your marriage. In order to totally be forgiven you must 1st confess it to God, then to your spouse. They deserve to know. It is un-fair to them to sleep with, live with, cook for, work for - etc. with someone who has been with someone else without more