Sunday, February 13, 2011

Aging with an Attitude

I am immensely inspired by what Pearl S. Buck, the author of The Good Earth fame and Nobel prize winner, had to say on her 80th birthday. It was published in the Modern Maturity magazine but I came across it through Earl Nightingale's Motivational Moments.

Many people are conditioned to think that after 65, one should sit down, relax and watch the rest of the world with amusement and pity as it goes through the motions of detestable jobs, demanding child-rearing and dreary household chores. Buck impresses me with her task-centeredness. She writes this note sitting at her worktable facing the window and saying, "I have much work to do and I enjoy myself and what I do."

As people advance into the senior years, many must deal with the loss of their spouses, friends and relatives and, yes, look in the eyes of that scary monster loneliness. After the death of a spouse, or seeing children or grandchildren move away, loneliness more

Friday, February 4, 2011

Straightforward Inspiration for the Business Minded Person

Currently, I’m reading a new book about how selling is a part of every aspect of your life. I’ve read about this concept before, but reading it again written with new insights is a really good way to spend your time. It helps to refresh what you’ve already learned, and ingrain the fundamental aspects of success in your mind.......

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