Friday, June 3, 2011

The Secret of the Law of Attraction

The Law of AttractionThe law of attraction is a universal principle purporting that like attracts like. To expand this concept further, the law of attraction states that every physical circumstance starts with a thought. Thoughts attract other thoughts of similar nature that, in turn, give your subconscious mind focus and direction. This line of positive thinking causes people to notice opportunities and take advantage of situations that will cause conditions and events to manifest.

The Law of Attraction Begins with a Thought

Many people have expressed the law of attraction in axioms like, "be, do, have", or, "ask, believe, receive". These maxims serve to summarize the essence of the law of attraction. In addition, by coming up with a meaningful abbreviation, people can easily remember the steps for implementing this all-important universal principle.

To understand the law of attraction better, start by imagining that your thoughts have a magnetic quality. Positive thoughts attract good circumstances and negative thoughts, in turn, bring forth undesirable events and circumstances. The problem with the law of attraction has always been in choosing thoughts and keeping them positive, or at least keeping them headed in the right direction. If people will take a moment to stop and become aware of their thought patterns they will often find that much of their time is spent engaging in non-productive negativity. Since the law of attraction is always at work, life becomes a process of taking one step forward and one or more steps backward, resulting in little to no progress toward desired goals. It's this awareness that can revolutionize lives by empowering us to realize that as long as we are mentally sound, we are, in fact, in control of our own thoughts.

Defining What You Want in Life

Another problem with harnessing the power of the law of attraction is the fact that some people have a hard time really knowing what they want out of life. Consequently, they attempt to follow after vague aspirations instead of solid, tangible objectives. For example, if you want to manifest money, you need to be specific. Thinking, "I want a lot of money" is not a defined goal. Stating a precise amount sets tangible parameters around your objective. What about the person who says "I want to lose weight". This person's subconscious mind knows when they have lost two ounces, so to this portion of the mind, the goal has been met.

Your mind is a blank slate. Use your thoughts to write upon it only the things that you desire and you will find yourself living a life of success and happiness.