Monday, May 11, 2009

Attitude vs. Ability

A person's good attitude is much more important, in many cases, than their ability or skill level in completing a job or assignment.

I recently uncovered an example of this in a coaching session with a client who was, let's say, academically challenged. Unable to read or spell exceptionally well and always relying on a calculator for even simple mathematical computations, this client was feeling a bit insecure in this area- understandable. However, this client had a outstanding attitude and work ethic, which her employer valued greatly. She was never late. She never called in sick. If she did not know how to do something she would ask for clarification because doing the task right was much more important to her than just doing the task.

Because of her extreme conscientiousness (an attribute which she may not have possessed if she had been more academically capable) her employers considered her a great asset to their organization. This being the case, my client's self-esteem was given a boost because she gained great pleasure from being valued and appreciated.

Not everybody possesses great abilities and skill sets may have their place but a good attitude is truly a highly-prized possession - one that we all have access to.

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