Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Power of Imagination

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”
-Albert Einstein
Our imagination is the portal to creating our world.  Originating from simply thinking one thought and then another, imagination is our ticket to being, doing, and having the desires of our heart.  The key is to develop a belief in the power of thought.  After all, if thoughts are things that shape our world, then the work lies in controlling our minds and the thoughts that continually creep in and out.  This is the premise of positive thinking and positive affirmation.  Indeed, it is the basis for encouraging others in their endeavors, as well.  Psychologists have found that accentuating the positive is far more productive than emphasizing the negative.  Try this exercise in imagination:
·         See your life exactly as you would like it to be.
·         Describe how you feel when you have reached your goals.
·         Get into character by asking pertinent question like “who am I associating with?”, and “what do I look like now?”, or “how are things different?”
If you clearly see your life as you want it to be and continually view that mental film on a regular basis, you will see positive change come to your life.
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