Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do You Know Where You are Going in LIfe?

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Would you be surprised to find out that most people do not set goals?  Except for giving brief attention to a failure-prone New Year's resolution list, most people don't give a second thought to what they want to accomplish this year, this month, or today.

Setting Yearly Goals

Having a target for the year sets your trajectory.  It points you in some general direction.  Let's say, for example, you decide you want to write a book this year.  This is a goal.  You have set an intention for the year.  Enter monthly goals.........
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Setting Monthly Goals

Now that you have your yearly goal, you will need to set smaller monthly goals in order to accomplish your large one.  In the monthly breakdown of the book writing in the above example, you would set smaller achievements up month by month.  For example, you could intend to write one or two chapters a month.  Enter weekly and daily goals.............
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Weekly and Daily Goals

This is where the work gets done.  In order to accomplish the monthly goals, your large project must be broken down further into smaller pockets of work.  For example, you would set aside a certain amount of time to write every day; or, you might schedule a weekly meeting with an editor or a writing coach to keep you on track.  You get the idea.

Any job, project, or undertaking can be accomplished when you break it down into smaller units.  Remember that big dreams are achieved ultimately through very small courses of action.

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