Monday, February 13, 2012

Reasons You Can't Afford to Not Meditate

I used to have to deal with sub-clinical depression.  Even when my life was going really good, my emotional body would be laced with an underlying feeling of sadness and even utter hopelessness at times.  A few years ago, however, I started meditating and my world changed in some astounding ways.  I rarely ever deal with depression any more and I have learned to enjoy each life experience that comes along.

Somebody once likened meditation to the water that flows over rocks in a river.  The rocks are slowly smoothed and shaped by the continual running water.  Your life is a lot like those rocks that get transformed.  It happens slowly, but one day you wake up to find that your life has really changed.  Some of the jagged edges have been smoothed away and you are experiencing more peace. 

Here are a few reasons why your life should include daily meditation:

  • Meditation gives your brain a much-needed rest and allows for divine presence.  When we learn to manage the barrage of thoughts that clamor for our attention during the time of meditation, we are also learning how to listen to our deeper, wiser selves.  Through meditation, we can develop our intuition and hear directly from God.
  • Meditation returns us to center.  The nature of meditation itself involves the art of letting go.  And that includes practicing detaching from our charged emotions.  When we are engaging in emotional extremes, we are pulled into the past or catapulted into the future.  By letting go of those extremes in meditation, we can return to a more balanced state of being.
  • Meditation is good for your health.  By learning to become calm in meditation, you will automatically find yourself utilizing that skill when you are faced by the stresses of the day.  Research has shown that meditation lowers blood pressure, reduces the likelihood of having migraines, and reduces other stress-related symptoms.
Meditating is easy.  Sit in a relaxed position and close your eyes.  Become aware of and focus on your breathing without trying to control it.  When you can do this for about 5 minutes, then you can begin to repeat a spiritual mantra like God is love, or simply the word peace.

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