Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to Relax More This Summer Without Going Away on Vacation

With the economy like it is, many people are not going to be able to afford to go on an exotic vacation this year.  But that doesn't mean that you can't get some rest and relaxation.  By changing just a few things - including your mindset - you can train yourself to go into vacation mode on a daily basis.

Summertime is marked by long, warm days which means it is the perfect time to use your evenings after work for a little R&R.  Here are some tips for learning how to vacation without taking off time from work or going very far away.

  • Unplug from high-tech.  When you get home in the evening, consider turning it all off.  Yes, that means phones, computers, iPads - everything.  Hgh-tech gadgets can cause high stress levels because they  keep us plugged in to our need to compulsively check stuff like e-mails, text messages, and our Facebook page. 

  • Change.  When you get home in the evening, the first thing you should do is change your clothes.  By changing into shorts, a swim suit, or lounging clothes you also give your brain the cue to change from work mode to vacation mode.  After you put on some comfortable clothes, change your location.  Don't stay in your living room and watch the news.  Why not take a drive to a local lake, river, or beach?  The long days of summer offer ample time for such excursions.

  • Think "staycation."    Just because you are not going anywhere far doesn't mean you can't have fun.  Take a day or two off from work and visit a spa, take the family to a water park or the zoo, or take your partner and spend the night in a fancy hotel on the other side of town.  These short one or two day trips can do a lot to rejuvenate and refresh.

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