Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yoga for Stress Relief: Downward Facing Dog

In our society, many of us find ourselves completely stressed out on a daily basis.  It seems that most everybody is suffering from too many obligations, financial problems, relationship problems, or work-related stress.  To temporarily relieve some of the stress you might be carrying in your body, consider doing a few minutes of yoga each day.  This move in particular - downward facing dog - is an easy move to incorporate into your busy day.

How to do it

Downward facing dog is an easy pose that can be done almost anywhere.  All it really entails is getting into an inverted "V" position.  That being said, there are a few particulars for maintaining good form.
First off, start by getting on all fours.  Your knees should be under your hips and your hands should slightly in front of your shoulders.  Slowly raise your pelvis off the floor so that your body looks like a "V."  Try to keep your heels on the floor.  If you can't, don't worry about it.  With practice, your calf muscles will become more flexible and you will improve.  Your arms should be stretched out in front of your head and you should be looking at your feet.  Stay in this position for a minute or so, drop back to your knees to rest, then do it again.

In addition to relieving stress, this exercise will tone your upper body, increase the flexibility in your back, and give you a boost of energy.  Most people find that they feel better after about a week of practice.

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